
Showing posts with the label Lessons

Workplace: Rapid, Untimely Promotions

Rapid, Untimely Promotions We all have heard people (especially CEOs and rapidly-promoted employees) talking about rapid promotions in a very positive light, citing benefits like retaining top talent, accelerated learning, new perspectives, workplace competition, reputation and cost saving, but they want us to overlook the disadvantages of such actions which will eventually make the entire organisations pay dearly. Promoting employees too quickly can have several drawbacks, and damage the organisation in the long run. I have divided the potential drawbacks (casualties) into three categories that impact three levels of any organisation. Casualty 1: Clients Untimely and rapid promotions can affect customer relationships, especially if employees with limited experience are in customer-facing roles. There are multiple instances in which experience is of utmost criticality, and inexperienced employees can further worsen a bad situation with a client. In that case, customer satisfaction and ...

Life: Tools To Test People You Trust

Conflict, Distance, and Feedback - the three effective testing tools. People who claim to be your friends are tested and exposed through: 1. Conflicts that you may have with them. They will unravel their true thoughts in conflicts. 2. Distance that is between you and them. Distance gives them freedom to harm you. 3. Feedback that you share with them. Their reactions to your feedback will show you what they truly feel about you. Be cautious and observe the people around you. You may add other such tools to the list.