Remembering Peter Higgs: An Encounter with a Scientific Giant

In the beautifully bustling streets of Edinburgh, surrounded by the aroma of freshly brewed coffee and the chatter of university students, I had the privilege of a brief encounter with a man whose name would become synonymous with groundbreaking physics - Peter Higgs. It was the year 2010 when serendipity led me to a chance meeting with this Nobel Laureate in a quaint coffee shop outside Edinburgh University. After Friday prayers, I came out of the Central Mosque in Edinburgh - which is very near to the Edinburgh University, I was accompanied by my friend Francis, a Muslim convert from Poland, we went for a cup of coffee and stumbled upon an ordinary-looking man sitting across the table. Francis, a student of physics, recognized him instantly and graciously introduced us. Little did I know at the time the profound impact this encounter would have on me. After seeking his permission to sit with him to which he graciously accepted, we engaged in conversation on many topics. I immedi...