Corporate: A "GREAT" Model of Allegiance

Steve's GREAT model of allegiance.

Your allegiance as a professional should lie with the culture of:

Growth - Professional and Personal. In an organization that offers neither, you don't have an obligation to have allegiance to.

Respect - Mutual and Empathetic. An organization that doesn't value you and understands your perspective isn't worth anyone's allegiance.

Excellence - In Efforts and Standards. A workplace that compromises on their work and culture and makes and breaks their own rules for particular people is the last thing you should have your allegiance to.

Appreciation - Verbal anMonetary. You work for earning a livelihood all the while contributing, gaining respect and value. If you are getting neither, it is time to rethink your job and not think about staying loyal.

Teamwork - Supportive and Encouraging. If your organization shows bias against you or anyone in their support, or discourage you in open or concealed ways from speaking up, you owe them no respect and allegiance.

Organizations are what they adopt as their culture. It's either a culture that nourishes people by constantly evolving, or a culture that's stagnant and hence short-lived, or a culture that suffocates them into quitting.
