Encouragement: A Little Motivation

A Little Motivation.

I spoke to a wonderful person yesterday. He is working as a manager in a huge academic coaching chain. During our conversation about his staff not being efficient enough, he said that sometimes, he has to shout at his staff to get things done and remind them of getting tasks done. He also mentioned that he tries to connect with them over the weekend and asks about their well-being. I responded with the 5P model that I have created for corporate leadership.

1. Patience: You don't HAVE to shout at them, you CHOOSE to. Your temperament and patience will always be tested by people who are freshers and experienced alike.

2. Perspective: You're evaluating them with the perspective you have gained over years of work experience, which is unfair to them. Let them learn and after a few months, you will see change.

3. Professionalism: As a manager, they are your responsibility. Their professionalism is dependent on your efforts, connection, and constantly working WITH them instead of MAKING them work for you. 

4. Peace: Leave them alone on the weekend. Your call reminds them of the six passed days and six more to come. Employees constantly feel the pressure of work if they don't get enough time for themselves and that demotivates them.

5. Plan: Talk to them in the office and identify their areas of improvement. Then devise a professional development plan for them and ensure they adhere to it through motivation and not a threat of punishment.

He agreed to all of the points and said he will work on them. I had a conversation for 15 minutes with him and hopefully, now, the environment will be different in his team.

That's all it takes to change people's workplace environment and push people towards leadership - a little motivation. 


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