It's Okay: A Poem For Distressed

It's okay

It's okay to admit you don't know everything
it's okay to learn from the new guy
It's okay to stay silent for your first week
It's okay to be a little shy

It's okay you trust the wrong ones
It's okay to have faith in the unworthy
It's okay you had a regard for the filthy
It's okay if you put them above thee

We sometimes look upto shadows
Somedays we run away from truth
Sometimes we mistake beasts for angels
Sometimes civility seems uncouth

It's okay to grow out of that phase
It's okay to set apart clouds from haze
You learn the hard way lessons for life
For you learn to steer right your gaze

It's okay to not be okay.
You're not weak, you're vulnerable.
It's says all about them, nothing about you.
Keep learning. Keep unraveling the true faces.
