Work Culture: Identifying Corporate Gangs

How do you identify corporate gangs?

Corporate gangs are a bit hard to identify because the members are experienced and cautious. However, some markers help leaders with identification of these disastrous groups.

1. Exclusivity: Individuals who are part of corporate gangs often form exclusive groups within the organization. They tend to associate primarily with certain individuals and exclude others, creating an "us versus them" mentality.

2. Secrecy: Corporate gangs often operate in secrecy, conducting activities that are hidden from others in the organization. If you notice individuals being overly secretive about their actions, conversations, or decision-making processes, it could be a sign of their involvement in a corporate gang.

3. Nepotism: Corporate gangs may exhibit favoritism and nepotism by giving preferential treatment to their members, regardless of merit. They might protect and promote each other, even at the expense of the organization's best interests.

4. Intimidation: Members of corporate gangs may engage in bullying, intimidation, or harassment tactics to maintain their power or control within the organization. They may target individuals who challenge their authority or threaten their group dynamics.

5. Resistance: Corporate gangs often resist organizational change initiatives that might disrupt their established power structures or influence. They may actively work against implementing changes that could benefit the organization as a whole.

6. Opacity: When individuals are part of a corporate gang, they may lack transparency in their actions, decision-making processes, and communication. They may withhold information or manipulate it to serve their own interests.

7. Vilification: Individuals in a corporate gang may demonize "outsiders" for their own benefits and others' loss. They will engage in campaigns of malignant disinformation against the perceived threats to their dominance.

8. Idea Misuse: The individuals from a gang may, under the garb of noble ideologies, spread hatred and rumours. They will often use a mask of support and internally wreak havoc in the organizational fabric.

9. Dissociation: The members of a corporate gang may distance themselves from their teams and form a closely-knit cocoon of like-minded gang members. They may also badmouth or insult their team to show their perceived superiority over them.

10. Indifference: Gang members may demonstrate apathy, indifference, arrogance, rudeness, superiority complex, and extreme repulsion towards other teams. They may be narcissistic enough to only think of their own benefits and treat every relationship at work as "transactional".

It is critical to identify and be cautious of these corporate gangs. IT is a matter of growth and fall of the entire organization. These gangs need to be made accountable and responsible for their actions. Once their delusion of invincibility is broken, they become weak and non functional.


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