
Opinions: When Has an Opinion Affected The Oxygen Supply?

Remember: Your managers and leads might call you incompetent because they didn't assign you the tasks you had interest or skill in. Your colleagues might label you arrogant or boring because they didn't even attempt to connect with you and always made it about themselves. Your subordinates might call you unworthy because they don't know the sacrifices you made for the organization. People will always have assumptions about you. The unaware seniors, complacent colleagues, or ignorant subordinates do not control you, and neither should they or their opinions dictate your actions. Professionalism is devoid of sentiments like anger, indifference, complacency, and hatred. Let people have opinions, and you have the character.

Encouragement: A Little Motivation

A Little Motivation. I spoke to a wonderful person yesterday. He is working as a manager in a huge academic coaching chain. During our conversation about his staff not being efficient enough, he said that sometimes, he has to shout at his staff to get things done and remind them of getting tasks done. He also mentioned that he tries to connect with them over the weekend and asks about their well-being. I responded with the 5P model that I have created for corporate leadership. 1. Patience: You don't HAVE to shout at them, you CHOOSE to. Your temperament and patience will always be tested by people who are freshers and experienced alike. 2. Perspective: You're evaluating them with the perspective you have gained over years of work experience, which is unfair to them. Let them learn and after a few months, you will see change. 3. Professionalism: As a manager, they are your responsibility. Their professionalism is dependent on your efforts, connection, and constantly working WITH...

Happiness : A Small Guide

Happiness is not a state of culmination but a gradual unending process. And just like any process, it has steps. Some life lessons that I have learnt so far: 1. Know and value yourself. 2. Differentiate between your needs and desires. 3. Work on your strengths and weaknesses alike. 4. Work hard and be content. 5. Surround yourself with cheerful, positive, and intelligent people. 6. Learn from everywhere. 7. Don't be afraid to fail. 8. Expect disappointments but give kind people a second chance. 9. Let people earn your trust and respect. 10. Be kind and spread joy and knowledge. 11. Let the past not dictate your future. 12. Always respond to situations instead of impulsively reacting to them. 13. Forgive people but don't let them walk all over you. 14. Don't expect people to stand for you when you need them. Be strong enough for yourself. 15. Remember, people lie and are selfish.

Work Culture: Identifying Corporate Gangs

How do you identify corporate gangs? Corporate gangs are a bit hard to identify because the members are experienced and cautious. However, some markers help leaders with identification of these disastrous groups. 1. Exclusivity: Individuals who are part of corporate gangs often form exclusive groups within the organization. They tend to associate primarily with certain individuals and exclude others, creating an "us versus them" mentality. 2. Secrecy: Corporate gangs often operate in secrecy, conducting activities that are hidden from others in the organization. If you notice individuals being overly secretive about their actions, conversations, or decision-making processes, it could be a sign of their involvement in a corporate gang. 3. Nepotism: Corporate gangs may exhibit favoritism and nepotism by giving preferential treatment to their members, regardless of merit. They might protect and promote each other, even at the expense of the organization's best interests....

Work Culture: Corporate Team vs Corporate Gangs

Corporate Teams vs Corporate Gangs Team members: 1. See good in each other 2. Identify skills in each other 3. Want to personally and professionally improve each other 4. Encourage each other to help people outside of their circle 5. Work towards the progress and betterment of the whole organization through relentless efforts, professionalism, and compassionate leadership. 6. Are humble and considerate Gang members: 1. See benefits in each other 2. Identify mistakes in others 3. Want to personally and professionally dominate a workspace 4. Vilify and demonize (and gang up on) others outside their circle 5. Deteriorate the work environment, professionalism, and productivity in the organization through unprofessional, communicable lethargy, sycophantic behaviour, and arrogance. 6. Are rude and indifferent

It's Okay: A Poem For Distressed

It's okay It's okay to admit you don't know everything it's okay to learn from the new guy It's okay to stay silent for your first week It's okay to be a little shy It's okay you trust the wrong ones It's okay to have faith in the unworthy It's okay you had a regard for the filthy It's okay if you put them above thee We sometimes look upto shadows Somedays we run away from truth Sometimes we mistake beasts for angels Sometimes civility seems uncouth It's okay to grow out of that phase It's okay to set apart clouds from haze You learn the hard way lessons for life For you learn to steer right your gaze It's okay to not be okay. You're not weak, you're vulnerable. It's says all about them, nothing about you. Keep learning. Keep unraveling the true faces.

Work Culture: Handling Toxic People at Workplace

Handling Toxic People at Work  A lot of team members ask me about handling toxic people at work. Today, I present to you a solution - *Steve's KFC and DONUT Toolkit:* You'll always find one (or two) obnoxious, apathetic, cunning, and unprofessional team members around you. There is no corporate without these vicious snakes. You can either be scared of them and serve your professional tenure in fear, or you can tackle the situation by employing a strategy I call Steve's KFC toolkit®. (I know, it sounds delicious). 1. Kindness: Be kind to them. See if their toxicity and bigotry is a result of lack of kindness in their lives. Give them a second chance invoking Hanlon's Razor. 2. Friendliness: Provide a shoulder to cry on in case they are carrying any burden within. Know your limits and never make yourself vulnerable in front of them. 3. Communication: Tell them what you've been doing so far to deal with them. If it's evident that they're actually what they are,...

Neo-Feminism - How a noble cause was hijacked by morally bankrupt psychopaths.

Feminism is a set of movements that strives to promote women to the level of men (in places unjustly dominated by males) to provide them with equitable opportunities to grow and prosper. The socio-political movements under the banner of feminism have given women more rights than they had in the eighteenth century, when this movement started. We have seen this noble struggle come to fruition as the oppressed and underprivileged women achieved the rights to vote, to own property, to get educated, to get paid as much as men, or to even run for any public offices. In the “male-dominated” society of the Indian subcontinent, men are apparently misogynistic enough to write and implement specific laws in favor of women. Laws like Sections 354, 509 and 376 of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) and even the Prevention Of Sexual Harassment (POSH) act, adultery laws, paternity and child custody laws are all particularly biased towards women. Yet, somehow, some other-worldly “aliens” feel that...

Work Culture: Toxicity at Workplace

Toxicity destroys a collaborative work environment like rust destroys metal. Authoritativeness, Bias, Dishonesty, Lying, Targeting, Mobbing, Ganging Up, Favouritism, Sycophancy, Bootlicking, and Indifference are all the factors that result in a toxic and insufferably hostile environment for people who give their all for a conducive and a positive culture. Toxicity craves dominance and would destroy entire departments to retain that. Scapegoating, spreading hatred, and a vicious gang culture is one way to retain dominance for them. Once they have an authoritative figure under their direct influence, they can exercise their insolent, brutal, and blind might to cause harm to innocents and the entire organizations. In such cases, the "good" ones who think they have integrity and unity, remain silent for the fear of consequences. Such are the people, spineless and complacent in the act of the destruction of organizations. They forget that these snakes will come afte...

Corporate: A "GREAT" Model of Allegiance

Steve's GREAT model of allegiance. Your allegiance as a professional should lie with the culture of: Growth - Professional and Personal. In an organization that offers neither, you don't have an obligation to have allegiance to. Respect - Mutual and Empathetic. An organization that doesn't value you and understands your perspective isn't worth anyone's allegiance. Excellence - In Efforts and Standards. A workplace that compromises on their work and culture and makes and breaks their own rules for particular people is the last thing you should have your allegiance to. Appreciation - Verbal an d  Monetary. You work for earning a livelihood all the while contributing, gaining respect and value. If you are getting neither, it is time to rethink your job and not think about staying loyal. Teamwork - Supportive and Encouraging. If your organization shows bias against you or anyone in their support, or discourage you in open or concealed ways from speaking up, you owe them...

Life: Tools To Test People You Trust

Conflict, Distance, and Feedback - the three effective testing tools. People who claim to be your friends are tested and exposed through: 1. Conflicts that you may have with them. They will unravel their true thoughts in conflicts. 2. Distance that is between you and them. Distance gives them freedom to harm you. 3. Feedback that you share with them. Their reactions to your feedback will show you what they truly feel about you. Be cautious and observe the people around you. You may add other such tools to the list.

Leadership: Five Leadership Qualities (FIVER)

  A leader's "FIVER" possessions: 1. Focus - To not be distracted by the negativity around or their own desires. Toxic work culture is prevalent in almost every corporate organization. A leader rises above such destructive affairs and encourages their subordinates to be a team rather than a gang.  2. Integrity - To stay strong against pressure and bias. Bias is a very powerful force when it comes to self or someone else's greed or wishes. A leader controls their unjust desires and helps their team to learn self control. 3. Vision - To see beyond the present into the future. A leader must be able to visualize their team's improvement years ahead and strive to timely achieve that progress. 4. Empathy - To see the different realities of team members. A true leader must be empathetic to understand that people are humans and the basis of our humanity is our difference and uniqueness.  5. Radical Candor - Being positively challenging to work and collaborate with the t...

Finance: Introduction to Cryptocurrency

Cryptocurrency, sometimes called crypto, is any form of currency that exists digitally or virtually and uses cryptography to secure transactions. Cryptocurrency is a digital payment system that doesn't rely on banks to verify transactions. Instead of banknotes or coins, cryptocurrency payments exist completely as digital entries in an online database.  It is a peer-to-peer system, enabling people to send and receive payments globally without any centralized authority. (A peer-to-peer system is a computer network that enables peers to share network resources, in a decentralized manner). Cryptocurrency is stored in digital “wallets” that are secured with strong encryption.   Cryptocurrency received its name because it uses encryption (crypto) to verify transactions. This means advanced coding is involved in storing and transmitting cryptocurrency data between wallets and to public ledgers. Encryption aims to provide security and safety. Cryptocurrencies function on a distributed...